2013 Resolutions

Resolution #2 and New Year’s Miscellany

Happy 2013!


At my house today, we have napped and eaten, eaten and napped.  I have two very lethargic and slightly fussy rascals due to a New Year’s “Lock-In”.  Little brother came home at 1am.  Big sister stayed the night. Hubbie and I rang in the New Year at the grocery store.  We laughed-did not kiss-and enjoyed the fact that we were at least grocery shopping together.  (What can I say?  We had time to kill between our  movie and picking up the little man. and we needed milk.)

I found a great and “non traditional” recipe for black-eyed peas yesterday at Simply Recipes.  Well, scratch the non traditional piece-apparently it’s traditional in Greece.  It’s a black-eyed pea salad, and we had it for lunch, ensuring good luck in the new year.


A Greek medley of black-eyed peas, spinach, kalamata olives, feta and sun-dried tomatoes-I cut the sun-dried tomatoes in half and added some beautiful red and yellow bell pepper.  Festive and delicious! We’ll have our cabbage (for prosperity) this evening.  I even picked up a head for the chickens!  Goodness knows, they deserve it.  We’re having our brief but very chilly Texas winter, and those little rascals are still laying like champs!

Finally, I’ve decided that two is the perfect number for this year’s Resolutions.  The reality is that I have so many self-development concepts underway already, I don’t want to dilute their progress or add undue pressure with additional formality.  It’s all about self-discipline after all.  They all utilize the same muscle.  So I picked one resolution that’s somewhat personal and supercilious (i.e. Great Literature I’ve never Read), and one that’s truly for the greater good. So, number two on my very short list of 2013 New Year’s Resolutions

Improving my kiddos eating habits and nutritional intake-limiting their access to junk

I cut back on their junk and increase the number of home-cooked meals consumed at table, ergo I cut back on my own junk and increase the number of home-cooked meals consumed at table.


This will be challenging for three reasons.  1) They’re nerds  2) They’re picky nerds with texture issues 3) Their father and I are often weak-willed due to fatigue and stress.  I’ll even add an unofficial fourth-their dad and I have wicked travel schedules this spring and we tend to utilize the drive-through pretty exclusively when the other parent is away.

Guilt is a powerful motivator, however, and I’m committed to turning the tide on their junk food habits.  May the force be with me….I’ll certainly need it.

What are your resolutions? How are you taking your black-eyed peas and cabbage this year?