Chicken Mission

Meet the Flockers

Are four chickens enough to make a “flock”?  I’ll have to google it.  For now, I’m going to use it.  Let’s meet the little flockers!

Jenny Weasley and Minerva McGonagall.  These ladies are 2 month old Black Sex Link pullets.  Jenny (on the left) is bold and inquisitive.  Minerva is on the shy side.  This breed can begin laying as early as four months old!

Here we have Hermione Granger and Luna Lovegood.  Hermione (to the rear) is the bolder of the two ladies.  Luna (although nearest the camera in this instance)is by far the most introverted of the four.  I wouldn’t go so far as to call her flightly, but she certainly ducks out quickly if conditions aren’t ideal, and her feathers disarrange easily.  That was random, but it’s like her hair’s messed up.  I think it’s funny. Anyway, these ladies are two month old Plymouth Barred Rock pullets-also reputed to be great layers.  Although they won’t begin laying until they’re around 6 months old. That’s ok, ladies. Pace yourself…

If you’ve noticed a theme with the names, it was purposeful.  My ten-year old just completed the Harry Potter series, and she demanded an active role in assigning identify.  She took one look at Jenny Weasley with her bright red neckline and it was a done deal. It makes for a very unique interpretation of Hogwarts I think.  Hogwarts Henhouse….? Sweet.



5 thoughts on “Meet the Flockers

  1. Love love love this post! It’s a dream of mind to one day own a chicken coop of my own…just waiting for my little ones (the children, that is!) to “leave the nest” 😉 They both have life threatening egg allergies, and our yard definitely won’t accommodate a hen house at the moment, but ahhh, in the future, there are cluckers (and eggs!) a plenty! Great post! Thanks!

    1. I’d make the nesting box area more accessible for cleaning-maybe even frame out the bottom and use hardware cloth instead of a solid wood floor. We were gifted this one by friends whose flock had outgrown it. Overall it’s pretty stellar!

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